Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Petros and Morgan, TN County Flood, Mar 1902

Petros, Morgan County, Tenn. March 31
The state mines located here, and the property of the Crooked Fork coal and Coke Company and of the Harriman northeastern railroad, are damaged about $5,000 Some private individuals also sustained a loss Tesia mines are closed until the damage can be repaired The Petros bridge of the Harriman and Northeastern railroad and another bridge below here were lost The Crooked Fork companies and states railroad yards were damaged so that mine operations had to be suspended A number of the convicts from the branch prison were put to work this morning repairing railroad tracts and rebulding bridgesRichard May and family had a narrow escape from being drowned They were rescued from their house after being surrounded by water.The commissioners are at Chattanooga today and will reach here as soon as possible, probably tomorrow night. The telegraph and telephone lines were cut down Friday when the heavy rain began here They were not in working order until this morning, when the first news was sent to the outside world Crooked Fork creek one of the chief tributaries to the Emery river, Friday and Saturday was about five feet higher than ever known before The flood did abut $100,000 damage in Morgan county exclusive of that at Petros Farms and fencing were badly washed and the county sustained about $20,000 damage to bridges and roads. At Wolf creek a drummer named Brown whose Christian name cannot be learned was drowned Friday morning The body was recovered and was buried Sunday This is the only fatality reported in this section as a result of the flood

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